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CS.29 – Plants Vs. Zombies LCD Game

Team Members Heading link

  • Thomas Federmeyer
  • Leia Ladios

Project Description Heading link

It will be a game of plants vs. zombies that takes inspiration from the PopCap game plants vs. zombies. To implement the project, we will be using two Arduino Uno kits. Similar to the original game, the player will be able to place plants anywhere on the 4 by 16 LCD grid while zombies advance from the right side. At the start of the game, the player will automatically be able to place a plant. After which the player must wait for the sun LED to light up again before they can continue to place more plants. The sun LED will light up after a certain amount of delay. When a zombie reaches a plant, they will eat the plant and continue advancing. When the zombie reaches past the left most side of the LCD, the player will lose the game. Each plant placed is able to deal damage to the zombies on the grid. After 5 hits to a zombie, they will die and disappear from the grid. Each wave will have more zombies than the one before. If the player is able to survive all the waves of zombies without losing, they will win. After the game ends, the player can restart the game or quit the program completely. The user will be able to pause the game after starting, but the only way to end the game is to lose it.