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CS.51 – Snake Game

Team Members Heading link

  • Jules Karonis
  • Simon Shibu
  • Danyal Warraich
  • Catherine West

Project Description Heading link

Our project will be an implementation of the game snake with variable difficulty. The implementation will include a joystick control, an 8×8 LED matrix display, an LCD display, and a console. The users will be able to determine the gameplay difficulty. The 8×8 LED matrix display will be used to output the current position of the snake and the food. To achieve this, the board state information will be obtained through a serial console. By using a potentiometer, the brightness of the LED can be adjusted as per the requirement. The 4-directional joystick controller will be used by the user to control the position of the snake. The arduino will take input from the joystick to control the snake and will then notify the console of player input and difficulty selection via serial communication. The LCD display will be used to display the text allowing for the selection of a number of game difficulties at the beginning of the game and the current score throughout the game. To execute this, the arduino will take serial input from the console notifying it of when to display a difficulty selection prompt for the game of snake, when to increment the current score, and when to display a game over prompt. Finally, the console will be holding an internal representation of the snake game, which also acts as the hub of communication between other systems and buzzes when the snake gets a food pellet.

Project Video Heading link