Matching Candidates to Jobs
Team Members Heading link
- Justin Clark
- Alvaro De La Fuente
- Omar Embaby
- Tenev Martin
- Jiafeng Su
Advisor: Michael Brown, PhD
Sponsor: Hadis Anahideh, PhD
Project Description Heading link
This project aimed to help an IE team to expand their knowledge and experience in data mining. With the support of Dr. Hadis and Dr. Brown, the team consisting of Industrial Engineering students scraped LinkedIn users’ profiles and job posting features such as requirements location, job title, etc. Using the information scraped, the team clustered user profiles and job postings based on similarity and then matched profiles with job postings looking to find the best match. During this process, the team inspected web platforms such as LinkedIn, adapted an existing LinkedIn scraper using Python, and used data mining techniques such as TFIDF and clustering to reach the goal.
See supporting documentation in the team’s Box drive.