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Generator Raiders

Team Members Heading link

  • Damola Obi-Farinde
  • Tarun Seth
  • Ishtar Sheno

Project Description Heading link

Iraq’s net electricity has grown by 8% every year from 2008 to 2018 according to the U.S Energy Information Administration, and yet there is a constant issue of electricity going out throughout the day and night in the country. This causes issues for students who rely on their phones and tablets to get their work done. Our users do not have access to ordering websites such as Amazon or eBay, and so our product would provide them a way to power their phones and tablets when the electricity is out. Our team has designed a solar powered charging mechanism that would work purely off of sunlight. Our research shows that the product can withstand the severe heat in Iraq, and is cost effective enough to meet the demands of our users.

See supporting documentation in the team’s Box drive.