ECE.07M – ECE Showcase: Line Tracing Car

Team Members Heading link

  • Leslie Duran
  • Juanita Jimenez
  • Paul Lach
  • Nikhil Polugari
  • Jenny Tan

Project Description Heading link

Among the vast array of possible career paths and programs offered by UIC, the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) degree is a path that is often met with confusion and lack of information. Many incoming students and other individuals simply don’t have information regarding the scope of the degree, and often don’t know what exactly the field of ECE encompasses. Thus, our goal for this project was to create a device that will serve as a demonstration device for the ECE department at various expos and orientation events. We were tasked with creating a device that would be durable, easy to maintain, and easy to operate. We also had to ensure that the device would sufficiently showcase what our field is all about. Our device encompasses key aspects of the ECE field and demonstrates them to the user in a way that is interactive and engaging. It demonstrates an analog line detection subsystem, combined with a software assisted color detection system, and outputs motion along the user-drawn line, along with various visual and auditory messages. Through these components, we are able to achieve the purpose of the device: to educate and inform viewers as to what we believe to be the heart of ECE.