CS.66 – Arduino Laser Tripwire
Team Members Heading link
- Farbod Amiry
- Jesus Curriel
Project Description Heading link
We decided to build a safety system that will alert the user of someone approaching. This will be done using two arduinos, a laser emitter and different outputs. This type of satery system will act like a silent alarm as anyone who approaches the laser and trips it will not be alarmed; however, the other arduino will sound the alarm via TCP Connection. These outputs will serve as an alarm mechanism for the user, lighting up LEDs, displaying Text on a LCD, and a buzzer that makes noise to make sure the user is aware that the alarm was tripped. We have most of the material needed to complete the project as well as experience, labs such as multiple inputs and outputs, scrolling texts, will help during this project. We are missing a few components but are buying them at the moment. Work will be divided equally among the two work partners, each responsible for a breadboard/arduino. The remaining milestones will be worked on together as a group such as creating the slide deck and presenting the project.