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CS.17 – The “Bomb Squad” Puzzle Game

Team Members Heading link

  • Nicole Potyra
  • Lisset Rico

Project Description Heading link

The “Bomb Squad” Puzzle game Arduino project allows players to interact with a series of mind stimulating puzzles, racing against time in order to successfully defuse their assigned bomb. The game itself features two Arduino boards, with LEDs, buttons, an LCD screen, and a timer. Players are tasked with correctly deciphering a pattern between the buttons and LEDs on one portion of the project, with the ultimate goal of getting all the LEDs turned on for each level. Players can check out another board with the LCD, a timer, and another button for some vital information. The LCD features game information, such as the current level as well as a win/lose screen depending on the players performance. The timer will also show their time counting down to 00:00, adding some pressure to complete their level quickly! The puzzle levels get more difficult as the players progress, featuring more complicated logic with a bigger time constraint. Players who defuse all three levels of the bomb become honorary members of the Arduino Bomb Squad and win the game! If a win does not come easy, worry not. The LCD screen will prompt users with an option to restart the game from the beginning if a bomb goes off before they get to finish. A button near the timer and LCD is all the player will need to restart and practice their skills, eventually making it onto our honorary bomb squad!