Bipedal Robot
Team Members Heading link
- Alexander Bandurin
- Felipe Cabrera
- John M. Lajka IV
Advisor: Dr. Atif Yardimci
Sponsor: Dr. Pranav Bhounsule
Project Description Heading link
This project encompasses designing a cheap bipedal robot that makes use of easily replaceable, open-source materials and zero-body length. It is small enough to fit into an average backpack and does not rely on wide feet for substantial support at its base. This robot will be used as part of a class curriculum that teaches students about legged robots. Through extensive research and testing, this team developed a design that relies on a crutch mechanism to propel itself forward. It incorporates three legs, two on both sides, and one attached directly to the center of the body. Servo motors are utilized to power the swinging movement of the legs as well as to manipulate the leg retraction mechanism in such a way as to provide foot clearance.